With secure web-based enrollment and FCRA- and EEOC-compliant screening, rest assured your information is protected.
Ensures Accuracy
REDTAIL offers the most complete background check service available today. Not only does the REDTAIL program provide access to public and criminal record data, but the checks are verified through an adjudication process.
You are in Control
With REDTAIL, you are in control of your information. REDTAIL allows you to review your background checks.
Protects Privacy
With REDTAIL you can rest assured your information is secure. REDTAIL is a cloud-based solution operated from a state-of-the-art network operations center that has met strict FBI-Criminal Justice Information System and PII requirements and has been audited by the International Justice and Public Safety Network (Nlets).
Enrolling in the REDTAIL programs is simple through the easy-to-use, secure website. Enrollees can also check their status and manage their information through the REDTAIL website.
For added convenience, REDTAIL also features a mobile app, with features such as digital badges for fast and easy check in/out, instant messaging, and much more.